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2020 Nashville Scholastic City Qualifiers

Published on 9/19/2020
Master List of Qualifiers for 2021 Nashville City Championships-

High School - Dhruv Chandra, Kunaal Saggi, Harry Campbell, Chirath Illukpitiya, Johnny Byrd, Robert Cheng

Junior High - Ronit Chandra, Ethan Benjamin, Hemi Rambha, Claiborne Tompkins, Stewart Hall, Evan Hauser

Elementary - Matthew Golann, Job Gresham, Andrew Lu, Gnani Rambha, Matthew Scott, Aditya Jalem

Primary - Jonathan Rawls, Ethan Tang, Kendal Shi, Ari Rajakumar, Samuel MacLeod, Dylan Smith

K-1 - Xander Rynerson, Saeed Hoja, Prithve Pratheep, Nia Kolhatkar, Aaron Peng, Neel Dubey

All-Girls - Maya Rajakumar, Sabrina Hoja, Aruna Nagabhushan, Georgia Campbell, Nia Kolhatkar, Hannah Osborne, Robiyahon Sahibnazarova, Catherine Scott, Olivia Grace Akatue, Sanjana Geegharveese, Eloise Andrews, Amy Peng, Penny Hemingway

Final Qualifier-

Thank you for a great event and a wonderful Fall Scholastic season for Nashville Chess!  We know it was tough being all online and missing out on the over-the-board experience and hanging out with friends.  We appreciate you all so much!  All players listed above have qualified for the 2021 Nashville City Championships.  We need a recent photograph for all the players emailed to us.  Here is the prize list for the Final Qualifier.  Please allow a few weeks for these to finalized and prizes will be mailed.

1st  Nia Kolhatkar 
2nd  Aaron Peng
3rd  Neel Dubey

No Teams

1st  Samuel MacLeod
2nd  Dylan Smith
3rd  Harshan Babu
4th  Barry Chen
5th  Kyan Washington
6th  James Keiper
7th  Yohaan Ravisankar

No Teams

1st  Matthew Scott
2nd  Aditya Jalem
3rd  Tavi Tisminezky
4th  Olivia Grace Akatue
5th  Sharvil Kolhatkar
6th  Allen Chen
7th  Matthew Henchy
8th  Zachary Johnson
9th  Amy Peng  All-Girls Qualifier
10th  Elijah Johnson
Penny Hemingway  All-Girls Qualifier
1st Place Team St. Bernard Academy
2nd Place Team  Harpeth Hall

Junior High 
1st  Stewart Hall
2nd  Evan Hauser
3rd  Varun Kilaru
4th  William Ostroski
5th  Aziz Sahibnazarova
6th  Buren Bradley
7th  Nicholas Ostroski
8th  David Ni
9th  Geon Park
10th  Christian Prokasy

1st Place Team  University School of Nashville
2nd Place Team  Montgomery Bell Academy
3rd Place Team  Brentwood Middle School

High School
1st  Johnny Byrd
2nd  Robert Cheng
3rd  Arya Jalem

No teams

Qualifier #2-

Thanks for another great Scholastic event!  Things ran pretty smooth today.  We still had a few kids who left the tournament screen and missed a pairing, but that was the only issue we're aware of.  Just always remember to leave the tournament console/fast chess open because if you are not there, chesskid thinks you left and doesn't give you your game.  We've set the date for the All-Girls City Championship to be January 30, 2021.  Ladies, save the date if you are listed as a top girl.  This will not affect the regular City Championship set for January 8-10, 2021, so girls can play both if they qualify for both.  

Here is the prize list, congrats to all the winners, full results in links:

1st  Nia Kolhatkar 
2nd  Prithve Pratheep

No teams

1st  Kendal Shi
2nd  Ari Rajakumar
3rd  Samuel Macleod
4th  Ethan Tang
5th  Georgia Campbell  
6th  Eloise Andrews  All-Girls Qualifier
7th  Harshan Babu
8th  Sam Page
9th  Will Harrison

No teams

1st  Jonathan Rawls
2nd  Andrew Lu
3rd  Gnani Rambha
4th Olivia Grace Akatue  All-Girls Qualifier
5th  Aditya Jalem
6th  Matthew Scott
7th  Tavi Tisminezky
8th  Aruna Nagabhushan
9th  Matthew Henchy
10th  Elijah Johnson
Sanjana Geegharveese  All-Girls Qualifier

1st  Sunset Middle School
2nd  St. Bernard Academy
3rd  St. Paul Christian Academy

Junior High
1st  Hemi Rambha
2nd  Claiborne Tompkins
3rd  Nicholas Ostroski
4th  William Ostroski
5th  Evan Hauser
6th  Stewart Hall
7th  Aziz Sahibnazarova
8th  Max Campbell
9th  Varun Kilaru
10th  Edward Xiao

All-Girls Qualifier  Robiyahon Sahibnazarova
All-Girls Qualifier  Catherine Scott

1st  University School of Nashville
2nd  Montgomery Bell Academy
3rd  Home Life Academy

High School
1st  Ronit Chandra
2nd  Harry Campbell
3rd  Chirath Illukpitiya
4th  Arya Jalem
5th  Robert Cheng
6th  Hannah Osborne  All-Girls Qualifier
7th Dhruv Chandra

1st Place Montgomery Bell Academy

Prizes from the first event are on their way to be delivered, these will be ordered and ready in a couple weeks hopefully.  

2020 Scholastic City Qualifier #2 High School and Junior High Results
2020 Scholastic City Qualifier #2 Elementary Results
2020 Scholastic City Qualifier #2 Primary and K-1 Results

Qualifier #1-

I am very proud of everyone! All kids made it into the tournament, only a couple got in late and we just had some minor issues to keep in mind for the next events:
1. Remember NEVER use the APP. You are not able to do tournaments on the APP - must use a browser like Safari or Chrome.
2. There are a lot of distracting bells and whistles on ChessKid, a wandering mouse can take you out of the tournament, make you accidentally resign, mouse slip and move the wrong piece - this is a game of concentration and you need even more of that online!
3. Tie-Breaks will officially be made using Modified-Median, Solkoff and Cumulative just as we always do - so the ChessKid tie-breaks are not official. Now today, they were both the same, but may not be the same in the future.
The attached documents are the final results - again, super proud of everyone! Many thanks to Coach Tiffany and Mr. Prosser and, of course, all the parents that had to learn some new stuff this week too!
Coach Todd

Now the fun stuff! Here are our qualifiers and top teams!

1. Dhruv Chandra (Clear first!) - MBA
2. Kunaal Saggi (tied for 2nd - 3rd on tie-breaks) - USN

No girls or teams :(

1. Ronit Chandra (Clear first in JH) - MBA
2. Ethan Benjamin - WOODLAND MIDDLE

1. Maya Rajakumar - Woodland Middle

University School of Nashville - 1st Place
Montgomery Bell Academy - 2nd Place
Woodland Middle School - 3rd Place

1. Matthew Golann (1st on tie-breaks) - USN
2. Job Gresham (2nd on tie-breaks) - SBA

1. Sabrina Hoja - Meigs
2. Aruna Nagabhushan - Brentwood Middle
(Both players scored 4.5/5)

ST. Bernard Academy - 1st Place
Brentwood Middle School - 2nd Place
Meigs Magnet - 3rd Place

1. Jonathan Rawls (clear first for primary) - St. Paul
2. Ethan Tang (tied for 4th overall - 2nd in primary) - Eakin Elementary

1. Georgia Campbell - Campbell Home School
2. Nia Kolhatkar - Clovercroft Elementary

No teams :(

1. Xander Rynerson (clear 2nd for all of K-3 with 4/5) - Home Schooled (Franklin, TN)
2. Saeed Hoja - Harpeth Valley Elementary